Adult Social Care Support Worker, Part-Time, Moreton. Ref: 1036MO

Job Ref: 1036MO

Employ My Ability have a range of supported living services. Our supported living services are run by a dedicated support team overseen by senior support workers, team leaders and a supported living manager. The support is delivered 24-hours a day and is specific to individual’s needs. We have developed our supported living services to adopt a 24-hour curriculum, meaning the skills and knowledge they are learning at college are practised and embedded into their home environment. Our services are an environment for individuals to learn responsibilities of living independently. Individuals have a support plan with outcomes focused on developing skills in; cooking, cleaning, laundry, shopping, budgeting, making their own choices, living with others, independent travel, and garden maintenance. Individuals are encouraged and supported to access and be part of the community around them and build and maintain positive friendships.

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Job Ref: 1036MO


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