The 16 to 19 Tuition Fund is one-off additional funding from the Department for Education for the current academic year to support learners where learning was disrupted due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

The fund covers pupils aged 19-25 with Education Health and Care Plans. The 2021-22 eligibility of the fund has been broadened to include economic disadvantage in addition to low prior attainment in academic year 2021 to 2022. Including these students allows institutions to offer tuition to all disadvantaged students who have been impacted by the pandemic, while still maintaining focus on low prior attainment.

How EMA will use the fund

Examples of ways we will use the funding are:

To provide additional hours of emotional health and wellbeing support for individual learners and small groups to manage anxieties, redevelop positive peer relationships.

Additional travel training for learners where they require re-familiarising and re-learning the travel skills lost during pandemic.

Additional support staff to support transition for learners into the workplace where placements had been on hold due to lockdowns.

Other planned activities designed to help learners recover lost skills, behaviours or confidence or to address gaps in learning resulting from disruption caused by the pandemic.

All support will be based on individual need with a clear aim and plan to meet that need or needs.

Governance of the Fund

We will ensure the tuition fund is used in accordance with the Government’s guidance on the 16-19 tuition fund.

Ful details and guidance can be found at:

  • Producing this statement details how the fund will be used at EMA
  • Publishing this statement on our website
  • Recording the use of the fund, detailing students who receive the support.
  • Delivering the extra support and spend the allocated funds in this academic year 2021-2022
  • Notify the ESFA of any underspend from the fund enabling it to be reclaimed by ESFA.


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