As set out in our policy on the provision of Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance to our students, EMA aims to demonstrate our commitment to guaranteeing our students are enabled, encouraged, and supported to explore and experience different vocational and academic areas with the intent of them making meaningful decisions about their future career options.

EMA aim to inspire and enable our students to develop social, physical, emotional and employability skills.

“Good career guidance can have a profound impact on social mobility, as it ensures that each and every young person, whatever their needs, background or ambitions, knows the options open to them to fulfil their potential.” SIR JOHN HOLMAN, SENIOR ADVISOR TO THE GATSBY FOUNDATION 2019

Please view our full policy by clicking here

Statement of Purpose

Employ My Ability recognises that to support our students, each programme needs to be bespoke and consider the many different aspirations of our young people.

EMA’s CEIAG intent is to:

  1. Prepare and equip our students to take charge of their careers and lives.
  2. Have clear and achievable aims of what students want to do when leaving college, and to know what needs to be done to achieve their plans for further education, training, work, independence, accessing their communities and keeping healthy.
  3. Clearly evidence the progress that has been made by students and that outcomes have been aspirational, as well as realistic.


Our aim is to ensure that we have a broad approach to CEIAG that considers a wide range of: adult roles, purposeful activities, housing, access to the community, health and wellbeing, and is differentiated to meet the needs of all students; all with a company-wide emphasis on individual growth, success and development.

We also aim to ensure our programmes work alongside the national Preparing for Adulthood outcomes and build our students understanding that they can make informed independent decisions on their futures and that this right is protected by the Mental Capacity Act, so that they are prepared and confident when making decisions on their futures.

To achieve this, EMA will work with individuals and small groups to provide programmes that support students to:

  1. Access a combination of relevant vocational qualifications, and meaningful work experience placements, that empowers them to identify a clear pathway into employment within their local community and to build their skills, confidence and self-awareness and an understanding of life after formal education.
  2. Understand how their courses, training and work experience are part of their career journey.
  3. Understand how what they are learning transfers into work and adult life.
  4. Develop skills that they can use to plan and manage their own personal development andcareer progression.
  5. Have the opportunity to take part in activities and work experiences that gives them a goodknowledge of the skills needed for work and independent living.
  6. Receive feedback and ideas from Employ My Ability as to how they can improve their careersprogramme and encourage them to have high aspirations.
  7. Have easily available careers information, which is displayed in convenient locations, includingdigital formats.
  8. Receive independent and unbiased advice and guidance, which is up to date and relevant totheir planned outcomes.
  9. Receive guidance that is impartial, confidential, focused on their individual needs, whichsupports equal opportunities and is delivered by people with relevant training and expertise.

Careers Lead

Employ My Ability have a designated Careers Lead who is a member of the Senior Management Team. The lead, working in collaboration with colleagues, will set the strategic direction, design and deliver the careers program, oversee and monitor policy implementation, whilst working with external Careers IAG professionals and partners to ensure all students have access to a careers programme differentiated to meet their need. EMA retains the services of an independent consultancy that delivers Level 6 CEIAG support and services to both our students and staff.

Stephen White

T:01929 405685 |

You can read our Provider Access Policy HERE

Comparison Evaluation Using Compass Career Benchmark Tool.

Employ My Ability is committed to enabling and encouraging all students to explore and experience different vocational and academic areas ensuring they have the tools to make meaningful decisions about their future career pathways. Employ My Ability recognises that Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance is crucial for our student’s success and are committed to embedding the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks across the curriculum.

The eight Gatsby benchmarks of Good Career Guidance (©

  1. A stable careers programme
  2. Learning from career and labour market information
  3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
  5. Encounters with employers and employees
  6. Experiences of workplaces
  7. Encounters with further and higher education
  8. Personal guidance



Compass evaluates a school or college’s careers provisions against the eight benchmarks of best practice – known as the Gatsby Benchmarks.


EMA use the mainstream college assessment as it is more challenging to achieve 100% on the 8 measures. The evaluation is a positive way of measuring the work undertaken and enables us to identify target areas where key actions can be implemented ensuring we continue aiming for 100% success in all 8 areas of Careers education enabling and supporting students to positively progress.



Please find our full report at this link.

Careers Program

EMA Careers Programme 1024x1024

Working with the community...

“Within our community projects, the young people in PFA Programme have been visiting local care homes to foster a relationship with the residents and staff. We have primarily been visiting Somerleigh Court in Dorchester and Wolfeton Manor in Charminster. The young people have so far visited to do surveys, make Christmas items to sell at our upcoming EMA Christmas market and will be visiting for end of term Christmas festivities. We have also previously visited for coffee mornings, where the young people use their café skills to serve the residents. The young people have been working really hard on their communication skills and in line with many of their EHCP targets, have been working on appropriate behaviours in new environments and building on their general communication skills with new and unfamiliar people. The more we visit, the more the young people engage and look forward to the trips. The skills gained will be invaluable for the young people as they move into voluntary roles, which may be in similar environments or future supported living”. – Shannon Ford, Tutor

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