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EMA first opened in 2015 providing an SEN education provision for young people, where they are firmly at the centre of building their own future. As the first cohort of students began getting ready to transition to the next step in their life, it was clear that there was a need to further extend the offer of EMA and thus our social care services were born. 

This has steadily grown over the last 5 years and we currently have two day services, one operating at each site, as well as 4 established supported living services in and around Moreton. We hope to see our supported living services continue to grow so that we can extend our offer of quality support to more young people in need. 

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Our supported living services successfully registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in 2022 which enabled us to provide further methods of support with personal care and managing medication, a huge step-forward in enabling us to provide person centred care that wasn’t reliant on external provisions to provide these elements of support. Our first inspection was conducted in April of 2023, with the report being published in June 2023 with an overall rating of GOOD. Something EMA are extremely proud of and exhibits the positive support we are providing.