Enrichment at EMA

Enrichment is all about boosting students’ overall well-being to help them to perform at their best while at college. They can improve their study performance through curricular enrichments and enjoy time away from their studies through extra-curricular enrichments.

Students will be invited by tutors to join any curricular enrichments; meanwhile, students will choose at least one extra-curricular enrichment to engage with for fun. Our extra-curricular enrichment provision gives students varied opportunities to try something new or develop an interest alongside their main studies. Some are based online while others are conducted in person. So whether students want to meet new people, improve skills or just have fun, we have an activity to suit.

At the end of the each year students, families and staff enjoy the EMA Graduation Celebration, a real chance to celebrate the fantastic achievements of our students. It’s a chance for our graduating students to celebrate with their friends and families as we wish them an incredibly proud goodbye.

student graduation

Listening to our Students

Students can access our Talk About group where they can explore how to express their feelings and build friendships and have an understanding and respect of other people and their feelings. We are committed to our student voice being at the very heart of everything we do at EMA. We have an active student council that meets every half term and has a representative from each tutor group, the chair of the student council is a member of the EMA Trustee Board. Our ‘you said, we did’ board lets students know how their suggestions have developed and changed the college.

Alongside our student council we are committed to extending activities to ensure all students have the ability and opportunity to contribute to curriculum planning and the assessment of their college experiences. We are committed to increasing the reach and influence of student voice activities.