
Social Cares Respite Service is currently situated at Mallards House within the Village of Moreton and is in very close proximity to the college with ready access to all the facilities/amenities that Employ My Ability has to offer. Respite offers an opportunity for service users and Parents/carers to take a well-earned break from their everyday routines giving both parties the chance of a rest and the chance to experience something different.

Our respite service, like all our other services, is very much person centred and individual are encouraged to be involved with their respite plan and what outcomes are required. An initial assessment process takes place involving the young person, their friends, families and the Local Authority. This service is proving to be increasingly popular not only with service users but also meeting the needs of parents and carers who are able to get a much-deserved break. All costings and dates available can be obtained upon application or request.

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