Student Success at and Beyond Employ My Ability



George attended EMA a few years back and we’re delighted to say all his continued hard work and determination has paid off, as he recently graduated the University of Gloucestershire with a Sports focused degree. George shared a few words when we caught up with him after hearing the brilliant news. “I left school with 1 GCSE, feeling lost, as my teachers in mainstream school did not understand my learning requirements and saw me as a troublemaker. After a year out of education, I landed a spot at EMA, got to know the staff, still experienced ups and downs, but I was guided by the EMA team to reach my full potential. Even four years later, I’m still in contact. What a team!”
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Alice graduated in 2023 and continues to stay busy in the local community. Since June of 2024, Alice has been working at ODEON Cinemas. In this role she is applying many of the hospitality skills developed during her time at EMA, interacting with customers, scanning cinema tickets, and cleaning. She is working towards more responsibilities too. Alice is able to travel independently – she currently takes a lift to work with her mum (only as there is no bus from her home at that time), but travels home on the bus by herself. Working on independence and confidence skills such as this are a huge part of what we do with our students at EMA and it’s brilliant to hear of Alice doing so well. She is also volunteering at Mid Dorset Mencap once and week.
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Newman graduated from EMA education 2023, and has since transitioned into our adult social care branch where he currently attends 3 days per week. Newman requires support but this hasn’t stopped him from continuing to develop his own independence and participating in a range of activities which keep him busy and enable him to put learnt skills into practice. Newman’s mum says “He is so much better at using his own voice, and is able to build strong relationships with people, like the one he has with his personal trainer, with whom he attends the gym every week, doing his best to keep healthy, and track his body fat loss progress. He is really happy and it’s brilliant to see. He is involved in diverse community projects with EMA’s adult social care such as Shaftesbury in Bloom. He has also moved into Supported Living with his own flat.

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Maria has been a dedicated volunteer at the Water Lily Charity Café for four years, building on the skills she developed during a two-year work experience placement at the Dovecote Café while in college. After completing her Level 2 Food Hygiene course, Maria took on more responsibilities and now works primarily in the kitchen, preparing meals and enjoying the variety of her role. Known for her enthusiasm and commitment, she thrives in the café’s welcoming environment, connecting with regular customers and contributing to its success. Alongside volunteering, Maria balances her life with social care activities and is exploring supported living options to gain more independence. Her journey highlights the value of work experience and community engagement in fostering growth and self-reliance.
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Ruth graduated in July 2024, has been thriving in her voluntary role at The Engine Room Café at Poundbury Garden Centre, where she works two days a week. Building on experience from another local café and her work placement at the Dovecote, Ruth has demonstrated determination and grown in confidence. Praised by her manager as a valuable team member, she has completed workplace compliance training and, with reduced support from Pluss, is embracing greater independence. Ruth’s journey highlights her dedication and the positive impact she’s making—we’re proud to see her flourish!

Curtis – Transitioning to Employment

Curtis graduated EMA in 2023 and during his time with us pursued work experience in Hospitality while also showing a keen interest in Horticulture. Through his internal work experience at The Dovecote Café at our Moreton campus, along with an external placement at Shire Hall Museum Café, he built up an impressive repertoire of skills, and a confidence with the public, which eventually led to employment! Seeing how Curtis developed during his time with us and to now see him thriving and be so popular with customers in his new job really is something to celebrate and is a huge credit to himself. Well done, Curtis!

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Ben graduated from Employ My Ability in 2022, and over the prior year had been completing a work experience placement at the Happycino café! The staff were so impressed with Ben and how he’d taken to his role, that he was offered a permanent job once he graduates. We couldn’t be happier for Ben and it’s brilliant to see the skills he’s learnt at EMA, and his placement, leading him to a real job. We wish you all the best for the future, Ben!

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Since graduating from EMA in 2021, not only did he pass his driving test, he’s also been working at Luccio’s restaurant in Dorchester since the month after graduating and says that he is really enjoying his work. He finds it challenging and busy but this has also been motivating him to do his best.

He’s able to utilise so much of the skills and experience he learnt during his time at EMA, not just food-prep from being in the café, but being able to apply his excellently developed confidence and communication too.

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Shaun graduated from EMA in 2020 and despite the difficulties presented by the pandemic, he has been able to find a job working in an Age UK shop. The confidence he showed not only during his time at EMA, but since leaving is so impressive, and due to his incredible enthusiasm and personality, he’s even been back to EMA to help us with tours on Open Days.


A recent graduate, Maisie attended EMA 2020-2022 studying Level 2 Hospitality, GCSE English, Entry 3 Work Skills, Entry 3 Vocational Studies, Level 1 ICT work. She now works LoveCake in Swanage, and achieved a 5 in her GCSE English Summer 2022.


2016-2020. After graduating from EMA, George joined our Education department as a Learning Support Worker! He is living independently. While at EMA he studied Level 1 English and Maths, Entry 3 Work Skills and Level 1 Hospitality. As of 2022, he is currently doing his Level 3 in teaching to support his LSW role.


Josh graduated from EMA last Summer and is now volunteering for Hope2Cycle in Shaftesbury, a charitable community partnership promoting health and wellbeing through the donating and sales of bicycles.


George attended EMA 2018-2020 and Studied Level 2 English, Level 1 Maths, Level 2 ICT. He graduated in 2020, and is now living independently and attending Gloucester university studying Health and Social Care. He is also part of the British Paralympic swimming team.


Attended in 2016-2018 and studied functional skills (English, Maths, ICT), Landbased studies, and work skills. Daniel had voluntary work with Dorset Rangers at Durleston country park.


Attended 2016-2020 and studied functional skills (English, Maths, ICT), work skills and hospitality. After Jess left us she found a job in retail and is now living independently.


Attended 2018-2022 Studied Entry 2 ICT, Entry 2 English, Entry 2 Maths, Level 1 Landbased Studies and Entry 3 Work Skills. Kyle had extended work experience at Sydenhams which saw him take on a whole range of responsibilities and is looking to possibly continue this after graduation.


Attended EMA 2016-2020 and studied GCSE English, Science and RE. Harry is now a homeowner living independently and working as a British gas engineer.


Attended EMA 2016-2018, Michael studied Work Skills and Hospitality, and after graduating now works at Dovecote Café and the Oxfam shop in Dorchester.


Attended EMA 2015-2017, studying Functional Skills, Work Skills and Landbased studies. Thomas has voluntary work with Purbeck Coast FM where he hosts music show on the radio, and has even been back to EMA to help us with our Open Days, proudly giving guided tours and speaking on his experiences at college.


Attended 2018-2022, studied Level 2 Maths and English. After graduating, Nate landed employment works and is now driving.


Attended 2016-2020, Studied Level 1 Landbased studies and Level 2 English and Maths. After graduating EMA, Cameron went on to attend SWRAC.


Attended in 2016-2019, was in supported living and worked for EMA estates team. Ryan also studied functional skills (eng, maths, ICT), land based studied and work skills.


Attended 2016-2019 in supported living and has voluntary work with Dorset reclaim. While at EMA Geoffrey studied functional skills, Work skills and land based studies.