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salt ema website 01

The speech and language therapy (SALT) team at EMA aims to provide and promote a high quality, responsive and inclusive communication environment for all our students. We support students to work towards their EHCP outcomes, acquiring speech, language and communication skills and strategies which equip them for their futures. We do this using a combination of small group therapy, classroom support and specific short term interventions, taking a flexible approach according to what works best for each individual. 

We adopt a multi-sensory approach to learning and communication throughout EMA, utilising a wide range of communication tools (e.g. signing, visual schedules, voice notes, Mind Mapsô) to support understanding, recall and use of language. The whole education team at EMA receive ongoing support and training from the SALT team to enable them to create an environment where all methods of communication are valued and  responded to.

Some of the aspects of communication we support our students with include:

  • Understanding and using the specialist vocabulary used in their courses
  • Developing the social communication skills needed to make and maintain friendships and working relationships 
  • Identifying, expressing and managing emotions. 
  • Employing appropriate support strategies (such as visual schedules) to enable students to successfully carry out home and work tasks as independently as possible, as they progress into the adulthood.

Occupational Therapy

Students that require occupational therapy are referred to the local authority occupational therapy department who work closely with the students at EMA and their support team.

Speech and Language Therapy

We have an in-house Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) provision. This can aid communication in students with cognitive learning disabilities and SEND. It can also help students to overcome psychological barriers that can arise as a result of social anxiety or other external factors.