Video: New Year, New Students!

EMA Marketing Assistant (and former student) George continues to add exciting and insightful content to our Youtube channel offering a look at EMA student experiences. His latest video is available to watch now, and George had a few words to go with it.

“I am pleased to announce that the first EMA YouTube video this new academic year has been completed, and is available now on our EMA YouTube channel. This video is about new students who have just started at EMA, three of whom have kindly agree to share a few words about their first experience at EMA.

This video ended up being a fairly simple one to make, taking a total of about 3 days to complete. I would like to thank all the staff members who allowed me to film in their lessons, and the new students who were enthusiastic about participating in this video.

I wish all the new students the best of luck with their first year, as well as with the goals they aim to reach by the end of this first year and with their ultimate goals in life too.”

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About the Author : EMA Admin

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