Visual aids at the Gillingham campus

From lesson plans to enhancing learning, visual resources are utilised in so many ways at the Gillingham campus.

In recent Maths Skills lessons, students were focusing on unitising — a key step toward using money independently. This helps students understand concepts like how one 2p coin is the same as two 1p coins, or how one 5p coin equals five 1p coins.

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Toby made some fantastic progress, confidently counting in 2s after just a short recap. His next steps will be counting in 5s and 10s, then applying these skills to real-world money use, contributing towards the growth of his independence.

A component to Toby’s learning and college life is the use of visual aids and manipulatives. Not just in Maths lessons, but across the campus, visual supports, and structured teaching strategies designed to make learning accessible and engaging are utilised by everyone who needs it.

Daily timetables, lesson plans, timers, colour coding, and Makaton, all help students to break down complex tasks into manageable steps, enabling them to learn, stay organised, express emotions, and build on their confidence, both at college, and at home.

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At our Gillingham campus, we pride ourselves on creating a nurturing and inclusive environment for students with PMLD, SEMH, trauma, anxiety disorders, and other SEND needs. With the right tools and support, every student can achieve their learning goals, and it’s resources such as this which play a huge part in the tailored study programmes and daily life at EMA which all work in tandem to promote success for everyone.
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About the Author : EMA Admin

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