Community Project – Shaftesbury in Bloom

1f33a130 troughs
1f33c14 planters.
1f3383 towers.
EMA Students and EMA – Adult Social Care day service users have been doing an incredible job making and delivering planters and troughs for Shaftesbury in Bloom
Planning, following instructions, teamwork, communication and of course the planting of beautiful plants – so many different skills were put to use and we are so happy with the results.
“We started to get EMA education students and the Adult Social Care team involved in Shaftesbury in Bloom in 2023, and they all did an amazing job. We had some lovely comments and feedback from the community last year, so now this is our second year of planting with them. It’s been so great to see everyone involved both on site and out in the community” – Charlotte from Thorngrove Garden Centre (our Gillingham campus)
This continued collaboration with Shaftesbury allows the students and service users to see their hard work go out into the community for the public to enjoy, bringing a huge feeling of pride. Amazing work everyone! 1f44f
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About the Author : EMA Admin

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