The academic year has drawn to a close and the final week had some brilliant celebrations, along with fond farewells to our 2020/21 leavers, and some EMA staff. Our newsletter is being sent out with more coverage as we break for the summer, but we wanted to share the photos from the leavers BBQs at Thorngrove Garden Centre and The Walled Garden Moreton last week.
Students were handed their certificates and leavers hoodies, and we also had a great speech from leaver James expressing his enjoyment and appreciation for the time he’s spent at EMA.
A message from Head of Education, James Dunham.
“I would like to thank every student for the hard work and commitment they have displayed as they have all adapted to another very different year. All students have managed this change really well, continued to progress, and develop new skills. I would like to thank all Employ My Ability staff for the support you have given students in class, work experience placements and beyond. Your commitment to our students and supporting them in their personal development is at the heart of EMA, and this is reflected throughout the team.
Finally, we would like to wish the 2021 leavers all the best for the future. We hope you have enjoyed your time with us as much as we have enjoyed watching you all grow and develop into young adults.
Please come back to visit us, it has been a pleasure having you all.
Have a great summer everyone!”