Students from our Gillingham campus at Thorngrove Garden Centre today presented Krystina from local youth project HippBones with their cheque for £200 raised via donations at the Winter Wonderland experience this past December.
The Winter Wonderland was planned from scratch by students and staff as a free walkthrough for visiting members of the public during the festive season. It was an opportunity for the students to work together creatively as a team, and help put together the layout of the walkthrough.
Also pictured – the Pedro Hipp!!Bones therapy dog.
– We often see Pedro at Thorngrove, and we hope he may be doing some work with our students soon.

Hipp!!Bones provides a targeted youth club for young people with learning difficulties, disabilities, Autism and/or additional needs living in North Dorset and neighbouring counties, and it’s a service which is utilised by some of our own students. We were all very happy to be able to contribute in this way and look forward to more community fundraising in the future.