The training kitchen at Gillingham has been bustling with planning, prep, and stuffed peppers!
Our students are working their way through three-course menus, which they’ll be serving at special community events here on campus after Easter. Each of them have designed their own menu, and are practising cooking not only their own creations but also each other’s dishes. This way, when the events take place and a menu is chosen, they’ll be ready to cook up whatever is ordered!

Today, starters were in the spotlight. On the menu: rice-stuffed peppers and salmon and avocado salad. Working in pairs, students encouraged one another, through chopping, slicing, mixing, cooking, and seasoning. The teamwork paid off, as they efficiently and impressively brought their dishes to life. (Did you know pumpkin seeds jump when heated?). They’re continuing to develop a range of skills which can be utilised in work settings, and towards bettering their own independence.
Tutor Natalie shared, “We’re all very excited to welcome people to these events so the students can show off what they’ve learned. They’ve chosen some of their favourite foods for their menus but are also experimenting and experiencing new flavours by practising each other’s dishes.”

These sessions were part of our EMA students preparation for adulthood study programme, if you’d like to know more about this, or any of our pathways, you can find breakdowns of each study programme on our website.