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Operation Encompass is every child’s right.

It is a unique, charitable, early intervention safeguarding partnership, (set up in 2011), which relies on strong communication and information-sharing between the police and schools, to enable support for children and young people who are experiencing domestic abuse.

It has the support of the Home Office, the DfE, Ofsted, HMICFRS and the College of Policing and has recently been awarded winner of The World Class Policing Award 2019

Police forces will effectively share a notification, prior to the morning of a school day with the Key Adult within schools. This notification will inform the school that one of their students has been impacted by domestic abuse.

It is the Key Adult’s job to then cascade necessary awareness and information to relevant staff in the school who may have contact with that child or young person.  By being aware that a child has had this experience, the school is in a better position to be able to understand and respond to the student’s needs and/or behaviour and in so doing, provide the appropriate level of support.

Letter home to parents / students / carers – March 2021