September round-up!

🍂September at EMA🍂

This month we welcomed new and returning students for the new term and we’re delighted with the progress being made across the classes.

Here’s just a snapshot at what some of our learners have been up to!

At EMA our incredible staff have dedicated themselves to providing a safe environment, and uninterrupted education for the students. It’s been a difficult year, and working in new routines can be a challenge for all of us, but we’re proud to the see learners as engaged as ever.

Manager of Education at EMA James Dunham had this to say about the first month back:

“Overall, this has been a very good first month to kick off the 2020-21 academic year!

The biggest change we had, besides new Covid secure measures, was the implementation of the software ‘Multi Me’, which the students are enjoying very much. It’s an efficient new way to track goals, and hub for everyone to stay connected where it matters the most. It’s great to be back! Well done, everyone!”

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About the Author : EMA Admin

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