Welcome back!

From James Dunham, Head of Education:

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Welcome back everyone – and Hello to our new arrivals! We hope you all had a brilliant Summer. We’re excited to get going for the new term, reach our goals, and learn along with you. It’s the first day of the 2022-23 academic year for our learners, and we’ve all been working hard in anticipation for today.

There’s a huge buzz of positivity at both campuses in Gillingham and Moreton, and I just wanted to wish everyone the best for the year ahead. Thank you to the parents and carers for helping with a smooth first morning, we look forward to staying connected with you throughout the year.

For those new to EMA, our next Open Days will be in October. Find details on our website. We’ll be sharing more updates and stories here on social media, and our website, so come along for the journey with us, and let’s have a fantastic year.


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About the Author : EMA Admin

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