NCW 2023 – Meet The Staff

Giving more insight for National Careers Week, Simon Chapman, Work Experience and Next Steps Coordinator here at EMA, talks about the importance of work experience, and the benefits it gives both students, and the employers. “I’ve been at EMA since September 2016 and the time has really flown! A large part of my role is […]

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Employer Spotlight: Seed2Plate

Spring approaches in 2023, and our relationships with employers across Dorset continues to grow as we seek new opportunities and environments for our students to complete their work experience placements. It’s a hugely beneficial programme which allows them to not only grow confidence and meet new people, it also means they can apply skills they’ve […]

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Animals at Gillingham

The new guinea pigs have arrived at the Gillingham campus. Say hello to Daisy, Blaze, Rose, Poppy, Stella, and Lilly! – names picked by the students. They’re still a bit nervous as they’re settling in and getting used to their new run. (kept in the classrooms overnight as it’s still a bit chilly!) Education Manager […]

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EMA & Angel Exit

We’re well underway with 2023, but we had to take a moment to reflect back on December in what turned out to be a wonderful community project for Employ My Ability and Angel Exit Theatre. Gillingham campus students, staff members, and EMA day service users were all involved with the preparation and running of an […]

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Afternoon Tea – by the students!

One of the highlights from our end of year enrichment week was our afternoon tea hosted at Moreton which was organised by staff and students, and attended by Parents and Carers.  All the students prepared a wonderful afternoon tea. They spent a couple of weeks planning the food, and spent all morning on the day […]

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Enrichment – December 2022

The students are heading off to enjoy a well deserved break after a brilliant enrichment week and Christmas lunches at both sites. For enrichment here’s just a little look at what we’ve been up to! Students took Science and History trips to Science Zone in Boscombe, experiencing the planetarium, learning about space, doing dry ice […]

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Employer Spotlight – Carey’s Secret Garden

External work experience is integral to the continued development and success of our young people in their Preparation for Adulthood (PfA), the and completion of their studies here at EMA. Building strong partnerships with employers is a huge part of this, and it’s always rewarding when we find businesses who can welcome multiple students, display […]

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Growing the Gillingham Campus

As EMA continues to grow, we are always looking to develop the services and support that we can offer our young people. A big focus moving into 2023 will be on our Gillingham campus at Thorngrove Garden Centre, and we wanted to give you some detail on what’s happening behind the scenes right now, so […]

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Leading curriculum change ‘from the middle’

EMA’s Bradley Kendrick recently contributed to the Natspec Quality Times and gave some insight to his role at EMA and what he learnt from completing the Natspec SEND Leadership Programme. Lifted Directly from Quality Times – Issue 7. “Bradley Kendrick, Senior Tutor at Employ My Ability, explains how the learning he has taken from the […]

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Welcome back!

From James Dunham, Head of Education: Welcome back everyone – and Hello to our new arrivals! We hope you all had a brilliant Summer. We’re excited to get going for the new term, reach our goals, and learn along with you. It’s the first day of the 2022-23 academic year for our learners, and we’ve […]

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