Our prospectuses provide an in-depth look at the services we offer here at EMA. Each campus has its own prospectus and you can download them by clicking the covers below.

For a printed copy, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to send you one.

EMA Moreton Prospectus front cover 1024x1024
EMA Gillingham Prospectus front cover 1024x1024

EMA Study Programmes

We offer a diverse range of opportunities and pathways at EMA with each campus providing a unique environment that empowers individuals to reach their full potential. For more information on each, please explore this page, or feel free to get in touch with us.

Preparation for Adulthood Study Programme, focusing on developing essential life skills and independence.

Support for Employment Study Programme, aimed at equipping learners with the skills needed for meaningful employment opportunities.

Functional Skills. English, Maths, and Digital Skills delivered through a tailored approach that meets the individual needs of our students.

Supported Internships, providing real-world work experiences in a guided and supportive environment.

Transition Study Programme, helping students smoothly transition from EMA to their chosen future pathway