Comparison Evaluation Using Compass Career Benchmark Tool.

Compass evaluates a school or college’s careers provisions against the eight benchmarks of best practice – known as the Gatsby Benchmarks.


EMA use the mainstream college assessment as it is more challenging to achieve 100% on the 8 measures. The evaluation is a positive way of measuring the work undertaken and enables us to identify target areas where key actions can be implemented ensuring we continue aiming for 100% success in all 8 areas of Careers education enabling and supporting students to positively progress.



Please find our full report at this link.

Exploring the increase of EMA's Employment, Education, and Training Offer, Business Growth and Future Facilities

During such unprecedented times it can be a challenge to undertake and present meaningful research and reviews due to the complex nature of predictions, bias and opinions. The aim of this research project is to identify potential areas of business growth for Employ My Ability including expanding the offer to young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), while taking into account the current economic climate, COVID-19, geographical information and keeping in line with missions and values of the business.

The research plan took a turn at a very early stage due to the COVID-19 pandemic which spread rapidly across the world. As a researcher, I could not ignore the impact, nor likely long-term changes that this pandemic will bring about. Changes not only to the Labour Market but to life in general. This is a valuable reminder of the complexity of predictions and proposals.

Click here to read our full report here.

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